An Easy Peasy Guide to the Perfect Cupcake Bouquet

Using Cakebakers yummy classic vanilla cupcake recipe make a batch of delicious cupcakes and leave them to cool on a wire rack. You will only need 6 cupcakes for this cupcake bouquet.

Top Tip: Cream the butter & sugar together first to achieve lovely, even, flat tops on your cupcakes… plus this makes decorating easier and adds that professional touch.

Take a small clean plant pot and line it with pretty tissue, I have used pink in the example above. Don’t worry if it looks untidy at first, this can be titivated later.

Next, cover one round oasis ball with cling film or foil (to protect your cupcakes from oasis dust)and cover it with green tissue or crape paper and secure the tissue tightly to the oasis ball with sticky tape.

Now snuggly fit the covered oasis into your plant pot, making sure the sticky tape is facing downwards and it can’t be seen.

Carefully push cocktail sticks into the covered oasis (you may need two cocktail sticks per cupcake). It is best to start with the first cocktail stick in the middle of the covered oasis then move to the outer edge making sure they are equally spaced around the outer edge.

Now cut a few pieces of the reminding green tissue paper into strips to look like grass and foliage and place around the cocktail sticks.

Carefully push your cooled cupcakes onto the cocktail sticks – you may find it easier to temporarily remove the sticks, position them in the cupcakes first and return them back into the original holes… this will depend on what cases you are using.

The cocktail sticks should pop slightly through the cupcakes; once the cupcakes are in place gently push the cocktail sticks firmly back into the oasis. They shouldn’t be seen through the cupcake sponge. Make sure the cupcakes feel secure.

Now you can dress your fabulous bouquet! Cakebakers basic butter cream is the perfect consistency for making delicate rose swirls – just start piping from the centre of the cupcake and finish at the outer edge.

I’ve used a Wilton 2D nozzle for this project.

You can decorate your plant pot in what ever style you feel like, a simple but effective way is to simply add a ribbon and tie it in a bow. You could paint it or add the children’s hand prints – a great idea for grandma or add a festive touch with red, green & gold.

Remember to post your cupcake bouquet images on our facebook page so we can see your amazing creations!

Be frugal (LINK) ask for your pot & oasis back, they can be covered, dressed and used time & time again!!

Happy baking!

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Cake Baker