The CakeUlator for Android is really straight forward to use, but we have created this quick guide to get you started and to let you know how the CakeUlator works on Android devices.
1. For Starters…
When you first use The CakeUlator you will receive a message giving you the option to configure your settings. Press Yes and you will be taken to the Settings screen.
2. Setting Up…
Here you can add your name or company name, select your default currency, unit of measure and desired profit margin. You can also personalise your email or text quote and download the latest pricing from the CakeUlator Database. Once you have entered your details press the Tick icon at the top of the screen and it will take you to the Main Menu.
3. The Menu…
The Main Menu takes you through various stages to help you prepare your quote.
4. Ingredients…
The Ingredients and Tasks tabs have pre-set lists of the most common items and tasks in baking. You can edit existing Ingredients and Tasks and also add new ones if your required ingredient or task is not in the pre-set list.
5. Edit an Ingredient…
To edit (e.g. Change the price) of an Ingredient or Task simply select the item you wish to change and amend as required. You need to fill the price in the box next to the currency you are working in. To add or amend a price to your Tasks fill in the price per minute/hour next to the currency you are working in.
If the Ingredient is one that you will use regularly then tick the “Often Used” box and the item will appear in the top section of the Ingredients listing.
6. Ingredient Pricing…
Note: You can put in the cost of a known quantity/pack size by pressing the “Calculate Costs” button. Simply add the pack size and cost in the currency you are working in and press OK. Costs should be entered as pence/cents. The CakeUlator will work out the price per oz/g etc for you. Remember to save your amendments by pressing the tick at the top of the screen.
7. New Recipe…
To create a recipe choose “Recipe” from the Main Menu and select the + sign at the top of the screen. Next complete your recipe name and the quantity of cakes your recipe will make.
8. Recipe Details…
Select Ingredients and choose all the items you need to complete your recipe. When you have finished, press “OK”. Now enter the amount next to the ingredient or press the cup icon if you are working in cups, teaspoons or tablespoons. (Don’t worry if you forget an item – you can go back and add it later). To add tasks to your recipe, such as shopping time and decorating time press Tasks and select from the list, then add the amount of time for each.
9. Creating a New Quote…
To create a quote choose “Quotes” from the Main Menu and select the + sign at the top of the screen. Now select the recipe(s) you want to quote for, enter the quantity and complete the delivery date.
10. Creating a New Client…
You can add a new client or select an existing one by pressing “Client”. You will need to complete at least the First name and Surname fields but its also a good idea to fill in other details such as mobile and email address to save time later.
11. Sending a Quote…
You are ready to send your quote – press the three dots in the top right hand corner and select send! Your quote will be stored in alphabetical order under the “Quotes” section of the Main Menu.
Do you need assistance?
Would you like us to add a new ingredient for you, to add a new feature, report an error or simply ask us a question? If so you can send us a message via our support page and we will respond right away.
In addition, based on user input we will be bringing out a new version of The CakeUlator towards the end of 2012. So if you could help us by providing feedback, through our support page, as to what you would like to see we would appreciate it.